all i did was mark out where i wanted my holes. Drilled through the first board and used it as a template for the rest of the holes.A piece of tape on the drill bit makes it so you dont drill through the all the way I knew i was painting the stand so ijust filled the holes. Must keep the drill level as possible if you dont have a drill press, which i dont.
I made small pilot holes then drilled to 1/4 . For shelf supports i bought some plastic inserts at canadian tire. Our lumber store was closed for long weekend so i didnt get he metal ones,but these work fine . I made my dado with a router which worked really well. 40 bux for the wood,a bit of glue and 50 for the paint.

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry