Buddy, here's a beginning collection of colorful music, some loud and dramatic, some quieter and beautiful, in excellent performances and fine sound. Generally this is available at ridiculously low prices for music of this quality. Third-party sellers of new and used on Amazon usually are the best buys, although items qualifying for the Amazon free shipping on a $25 order(e.g., the used Ravel disc below)can sometimes result in a lower net cost.

The Planets ; Ravel, Daphnis et Chloe ; Khachaturian Symphony No. 2 ; Rachmaninoff symphonies ; Brahms Hungarian Dances ; Prokofiev, Cinderella ; Ilya Murometz ; Dvorak Cello Concerto ; Smetana, Ma Vlast ; Latin American collection ; Respighi, Roman Poems ; Stravinsky collection . Enjoy.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.