Yes, the Denon 3803 generates SW tones. And to continue this discussion, let's see if anyone is still paying attention to this thread. I've been trying to do some calibration with my brand new out of the box Denon 3803 and I've noticed a couple of things. With the speaker levels all set to 0 db, doing the calibration with the receiver tones is very straightforward, leaving the front left at 0 db reference and adjusting the others using the receiver controls. If I put in the Avia DVD and just listen to the test tones, the fronts and center are pretty equal, but the surrounds are BLASTING. If I reset the receiver levels to zero and use the Avia, I'm finding I have to turn down the surrounds to -12 db (maxed) and they're still noticibly louder than the others. I've got all the receiver setup parameters correct (all speakers=small, delay distances, etc.) so I'm not sure what's going on. But I also haven't even had the time to just sit and watch a movie all the way through, so I don't even know yet what is good or bad. All I know is that I'm tired of hearing 85 db static.