WOW! Now you guys are starting to hit some of my favs.

Treasure of the Sierra Madre (Huston) - Easy to see why Huston's father, Walter, won the best supporting Oscar for his performance.

The Train (Frankenheimer) - Amazing, one camera take of Lancaster running on a structure over the tracks, sliding down a ladder, then jumping on a train. All done by Lancaster himself.

Inherit the Wind (Kramer) - Spencer Tracy. Nuff said.

Mr. Hulot's Holiday (Tati) - A master of mime comedy.

To Kill A Mockingbird - A nearly perfect movie. One of the best features was the narration by Nelle Harper Lee, the book's author, herself. Brilliant touch that worked beautifully.

The Man Who Would Be King - Saw this a theater when it first came out (1975). Wasn't expecting much but ended up blown away by a great story and the usual excellent performances by Caine and Connery.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton