Hi Andrew:

"Ohh, to long for the days of the big old RPCRTs where you had room to put centre channel speakers on top of the television"! Yep, as you well stated, that was the problem with the bipolar Mirage centres where they needed the space, however, another I think was that they were relatively small and for their size, quite expensive.

I, certainly, would be one who would definitely be interested in such a design, especially in a large centre because with the way dialog is locked on quite well with recent movie soundtracks, if you could produce that somewhat more "airy", "open" feel to the sound coming out of the centre channel, it would still be coming from the correct place, however, it would probably sound more natural.

Of course, if one wanted to carry this all one step further, you could do what DefTech recently did and build a powered centre channel with small subwoofers.

Last edited by casey01; 07/05/13 03:46 PM.