Had a great coffee the other day... It was at a little Italian deli that a friend recommended.

I walked in and went to order my usual, quad shot, non-fat latte with a touch of flavoring. I did not notice the words in big letters on the board directly above the order station when I ordered it: "WHOLE MILK ONLY, NO FLAVORING". The young Italian gal first said "WHOLE MILK ONLY".... "OK, I'll try it, but put some vanilla in it". "NO FLAVORING"...."OK, I'll try it". I felt like a real idiot later when I finally saw what was written on the board....

So anyway, embarrassment aside, that was probably the best damn latte I've ever had. I did a little research, and they use some beans imported from Italy, "Intenso" beans. Between the beans and that whole milk, and just a wee bit of raw sugar, wonderful.