Hello All,

Been a while since I've posted. So long in fact that I even fell off John's birthday greeting list. eek

I guess as I approach my 7th decade I've just been too busy to do more than drop in, have a quick read and then disappear for a month or so.

I did know that if I ever needed advice I'd be back as fast as possible. Well I do and I am.

Thinking about getting back into vinyl (records not clothing)

So I have to ask:

Where is a good reliable source for records? I am interested in just about anything but especially the 60's, Jefferson Airplane, Vanilla Fudge, Bowie, Stones, Electric Prunes etc.

Are there new pressings being made or do I have to buy used and hope?

Also anyone have any input on Pro-ject turntables? Especially the RM1 line. I've got about $500CDN plus/minus in mind for the turntable.

Great to be back here again, thanks in advance for any help you can offer.


Getting to 2,000 posts; one year at a time vp160/qs8/qs4/SVS 2000/m60/Monolith 3x200 amp