Originally Posted By oakvillematt
Originally Posted By Mojo
If you knew it didn't have a trigger, would you have purchased it?

The problem is not as cut and dry as that. Is having no 12v trigger a deal breaker to having incredible sound? No, but it doesn't mean that you can't complain about how short sighted Axiom has been. Why would they put a 12v trigger on the amps if they didn't think they were important? Just seems rather crazy to put it onto one item and not the other.

Trigger inputs are typically only found on devices with high-ish power consumption, like power amplifiers. Most low level devices (CD players, Blu-ray players, pre-amps, DACs) are not usually equipped with trigger inputs. We have 12V triggers on our amplifiers because they draw what we consider a significant amount of current when not in standby mode. This is not the case for our DSP which draws approximately 9W.