Originally Posted By nickbuol
Oh my gosh. I completely forgot to come back and update this with more info. Been busy traveling home today.

Name slated to be UDP-203 UltraHD Blu-ray player. $499 price. ETA end of 2016. No Dolby Vision (although, I am not surprised by this, but others thought that it should be there for some reason). It won't have Darbee technology in it, then again it IS 4K so not sure why it would really be needed, but some day I sure it will be hashed ou

Here is a picture of the back (not my photo, but it has been ripped off from so many "professional" sources and reused, that I have no idea where the original came from):

I saw the info about the Oppo 203 as well and immediately wondered if they were going to, like before, eventually introduce a higher end unit like the 105/105D? As far as Dolby Vision is concerned from what I read so far, the literature didn't seem to commit one way or the other whether or not it was going to be installed on the Oppo unit. Surprising since the consensus of opinion that I have read is that Dolby Vision is the more flexible, superior system to HDR10 and, although quite limited in its availability, like HDR, is already available on a few Netflix titles. I guess we will have to wait and see along with other services like Netflix, Youtube etc. etc. especially with 4K material. I am a fourth Generation Oppo buyer so I am willing to wait and see what the final product looks like. I am sure it will be a winner.

The exclusion of Darbee is really no surprise since, although they have announced they have been working on it, there has been no commitment one way or another whether or not Darbee will ever introduce a 4K compatible unit. I already have two Darbees so I don't need another and if they do eventually introduce a 4K unit, I would prefer an external model anyway.

Of course, then again, all of this might be available in a software update later. To date, LG, with their top of the line OLED models have been the only monitors offering both HDR10 and Dolby Vision while Vizio, on their higher end models started out with HDR10 only and later offered Dolby Vision in a software update at no additional charge.

It is rather odd though that the rear panel of the unit displayed in the picture is exactly the same as the existing 103D so I am not sure it is a picture of the new model.

Last edited by casey01; 09/20/16 04:29 PM.