Originally Posted By Socketman
Have you considered the Emotiva XMC-1 , that's what I am using and it is fantastic and the Dirac is amazing. The Atmos upgrade should be out soon as well as the HDMI 2.0 board. Its on sale now for 1649 and then you could get it updated later on. The upgrade board is 349 for hdmi and 499 for atmos. Don't get the one for 1999 since is only has 4k 2.0

Nope it would cost too much to get here. I got my quote for a XPA 3 and it was $1675 and two BasX300 and $1300.
s for Pre/Pro no not even thinking of anything but the AVM60 or MRX and pretty sure it's going to be a MRX1120

Anthem MRX520