Thank you for the very informative response, Tim! I have some thinking to do. I am leaning towards the Pi adventure.... I might just pick up a basic tablet so I can just leave it on the EQ rack and use the touch screen capability. I am not an Apple fan. Hate the phones and tablets.

My Squeezebox is working now, but only if I am connected to the PC on my network that Logitech Media Server is loaded on. That in itself is not very convenient, because I have to wake up that PC, and I'm not the only user in the house. I'd much rather just have something that does not depend on the office PC to function properly.

I have not used Roon before. Just found out about it a couple days ago. The Mini does not look like it supports Roon. The Mini also does not look to work with Andriod, so I'd be stuck using the Ipad (that I can't stand).

I do have a NAS, but it's just on the network for backups. I probably don't even have it configured properly, so I can do anything with it I want at this point.