Originally Posted By tomtuttle
Very good post, Tim! Thank you for that.

Yes, Mike, I'm still using my SB Touch.

I don't mind having a PC on 24/7 to serve music. And I really want to be able to control it from an Android device. I do NOT want to have the content *ON* the Android device, however, because that is too limiting. I also need analog outputs so that I can use the device on Zone2.

I fooled around with the Pi options and got Max2Play running for a while. It seemed okay. My problem is that I really do like Pandora, and I can't find any way to get it to work on a Pi-related device.

Mike, have you looked at an upgraded receiver with the client built-in? I don't know if that solves your problem or not, but it could be a thing.

This is a low priority for me right now due to other projects, but I'm always surprised that this is such a difficult problem to solve.

Thanks again, guys.

I can't seem to find confirmation that Pi will run Pandora either.... Like you, I LIKE Pandora. If I can get around that gap, I plan to build a device. I have a sketch for the box using walnut and maple. The front of the 'box' will be at an angle simular to the SB Touch. Need to practice my angled dovetail joints anyway. It'll be a fun winter project.

Found this touch screen. https://www.adafruit.com/product/1287?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjPGTvOP61QIVS01-Ch1zNwRlEAQYASABEgI8LfD_BwE