Some random points:

Being initially a little disappointed is not an uncommon phenomenon. You start out with expectations so high, and get worked into a fever just waiting for them to arrive. It's difficult for any speaker to live up to all that.

The 80s have a reputation for being a little finicky regarding placement. Be sure to try a variety of positions before you judge. Sometimes just moving them a few inches will make a difference. If you have questions, ask away.

Once you have them in the position that seems optimum, be sure to calibrate your system with a Rat Shack meter.

After all that, give yourself a couple of weeks to become accustomed to their sound. Some will argue the speakers "break in," some will argue it is your brain that "breaks in." Regardless, relax, take some time. experiment, listen to a variety of music and movies, and reserve judgment for awhile.

Keep in mind that poorly mixed sources will sound.......well....... poor. Well mixed sources will astound you. Many music CDs, particularly those made from material originally mixed years ago, were mixed to be played through average speakers; small and lousy. Whatever they are, the Axioms aren't average.

Take a deep breath, relax, and give yourself and the Axioms a little time.

Good luck.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton