One additional comment. The subs I had been using before with digital readout controls were very cumbersome to set and change on the fly. I'd have to push in the main knob to enter the menus, cycle up down (around actually as it was a knob), find the parameter I wanted to set, then push in again to enter, then turn around again to go up/down, hit it in again to set, then hope that you did it all correctly so that it would save the changes.

And If I just wanted to make another simple tweak, it was back into this menu system.... keep in mind that this control panel was on the back of the amp and that meant pulling the sub around just to see what I was doing.

The EP800V4BSGP is simple; just set up the phasing for best output in the room and meshing with the mains and other subs (this took me about 30 seconds to get dialed in), set the crossover to the range you wish, then set up the gain for how loud you want it in relationship to the pre-amp gain settings.

Play music, listen, then decide if you want smooth even bass and at what level or you want that punch in the gut; if so, flip the switch and made any additional gain adjustments. It's so easy to flip it on the fly, no menus, no reading with your glasses on. I like it a lot; simplicity.