Everyone -

Thank you for your most gracious advice. I believe you've all helped me make a decision - back to my original plan of going to SF. I definitely have to see the big trees and I have some weird fascination with driving HWY1 - I only drive fast when there's nothing worth looking at around me.

I'll let you guys know when we make/set our dates (hopefully it'll be late august early september - I'd do it sooner but the roomie needs fund building time)

I'm gonna print this great info, break out the atlas and figure something out - thanks again for the brain-dump, this is the kind of insight one can't find through google.

BTW - if anyone is ever in Atlanta (or GA in general) let me know and I'll point to you around (I've lived here for 31 years and through my habit of destinationless driving and my job, I've been to nearly every city on a map of Georgia)

Thanks again,
