actually huffer, that show is VERY close to real life, small town texas lifestyle. now obviously, they take the characters to the extreme, but alot of it is dead on. their jobs, the way they talk, the way they think, the things they do, the places they go, the situations they get in, the way their houses are decorated. all that stuff is pretty dead on.

i really love that show.. its a humorous look at, well, my life.

and i tell you what i think is very funny about that show.. OK, texans are very proud to be texans, and we LOVE our state.. everything about it, including the shape.. it is a VERY texan thing to have texas shaped objects in your home, or on your property. and if you watch that show, you will see that the animators have included that aspect of texas living.. peg has a texas shaped clock in the kitchen, bobby has a texas shaped mouse pad for the computer, an the neighbor has a texas shaped bush in the front yard.. if you watch the show enough, you will see alot of that kinda stuff.. that is TRUE texas, you see that here everyday.

sorry so long.. i just love talkin bout texas.
