Damn, sorry about your dad. He was always very helpful and polite.

As others have mentioned, you should run the Dennon's set up program again. I'm old school, apparently...... I have what is now considered - old tech, even though I bought it new many years ago. I still use it, even though all my audio processors have their own mics. I suggest you hop on over the eBay and find one. They are Radio Shack SPL meters. I prefer the digital readout, verse swing needle. I see there are a few available. Heck, I bet your dad has one stashed somewhere. You can then use it to verify speaker/sub levels after the Dennon does its thing. Grab a tape measure too. You'll want to verify the setup settings. If your sub distance comes out 10 feet or so beyond its actual distance, leave it. Sometimes, the sub channel needs a 'delay', due to processing lags.

Last edited by michael_d; 12/05/20 08:20 PM.