Chesseroo, that was an awesome review! Not so different that Mojo's summaries, but with a lot of detail that hit home. And my reasons for hesitating on the LFRs mirror yours.

rrlev, these are for a music-only stereo, no sub, set-up. And you're right, I really could go with small, even bookshelves, in this room (with a sub), but my wife doesn't want bookshelves or a sub; which fits in well with my always wanting the M80s.

You guys brought me to the edge of a believer, but the thing is, I love that M80 curve. I know you can't "hear" a curve, but it represents what I'm hoping for: flat, no drop off at the high end (I *like* bright, my M22v2's were awesome and better for me than the M22v4's) and slightly lower at the very the low end (I'm not into too much low-end for music; movies, yeah, go ahead and rattle my foundation). All Axioms speakers fade at the high end (except the M2, M22, and M5, but the M5 has that bass bump). I just re-read this paragraph and it sounds like I don't like Axiom speakers; but of course, I do! I'm just trying for that slight tweak in the upper register.

What you guys did convince me of is - I really need to hear both. I'm going to see if Axiom will let me order both and send back the one I like less. If I feel them frown over the phone, I ... don't know what I'll do. Probably go with the 660 as I think I know what to expect with the M80.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I have ruled out the LFR880. At this point ruling a speaker out is a win!