I decided my body was too creaky to run speaker wires in my crawlspace and got an electrician in to run them. Seem wasteful to have him come over just for speaker wires so I asked him to put a separate line for the ADA1000. (I know that's small for most of you, but it's huge for me.) I left him alone and instead of the separate line he tapped into another line. Kind of annoyed, but he said it would be fine. So what do you guys think, is it worth having a separate line for an amp (and the pre-amp)?

While I'm typing, has anyone been able to get a hold of Axiom in the last week? I've not been able to get anyone on the phone at all. My LFR660 RMA hasn't gone through and it's been 12 calendar days since they received the last item. Not only would I really like to not have to shell out for the next credit card payment, but I'll admit I'm getting a little nervous. Does Canada take off in July?