Thanks Trevor. Tanky is good. I got a response from Axiom and sounds like to embed the Air unit in would be a 25 day wait as they are waiting on chips and supply chain shortages etc. So I just went with the Air Transformer as a seperate unit. That will work out fine, space isn't an issue reaally and anything we do will be an upgrade compared to what is in place right now.

Trigger pulled. 4 channel za-1000 and an Axiom Air Transformer en route. Should be good for our purposes. Next is to convince them to go with m3 on walls thru out the place and some algonquins outside. Would be nice to wood grain match to the walls too, it's a log building. Right now it's black boxes, some older Klipsch rp-51's or something. Unsightly in my opinion compared to nice real wood veneer! Maybe next spring we can do that. Stoked to give this za-1000 a try.

M60ti Hafler9505 & JFET Pre,Axiom Transformer. M3 Marantz PM7200 Dual 606 Denon 2700 M2 Yammy RX595