I recently moved into an old house on the 1st floor with a restored wooden floor with no acoustic insulation. I have just ordered my Axiom set (m60, vp150, qs8) a few days ago, and this morning I got complaints from my neighbour on the ground floor that my music was too loud...
This troubles me, because I

a) still have a weak old mini-set (2x40W) until my Axioms arrive
b) did definitely not crank up da volume of this pitiful set

so I'm worried that she is gonna freak out when my new set is hooked up. Luckily I already anticipated on this problem by not ordering a subwoofer, but my concerns are with the M60's. I know they go with spikes, but do they do a good job in keeping the bass out of the floor and into the room? Some tips for additional insulation perhaps?
