Keep in mind that a 1000 dollar HT setup 6 years ago could probably be bought nowadays for a few hundred brand new. I believe that the M22's if used for mostly HT would work out great, if as mentioned, were supported by a good sub. The only real differences between say the M60's and M22's would be the ability to play a little louder without sounding compressed and would have a little lower FR to allow a slight better blending with a sub. The M22's are missing the midrange but in HT I don't feel that is very critical. If you were a music connesuir the midrange would be important but otherwise you probably aren't going to miss it. Back to the sub issue. If you are looking to spend the money to upgrade your mains you owe it to yourself to look into a good sub. It really completes the HT experience. If I had my choice between floorstanders and a HTIB sub or Sat's and a HSU or SVS sub I would take the sub anyday. Both of these companies make some very inexpensive subs that would blow your old one away. JMTC