How do you distinguish between what is good for HT and what is good for music or what is consistently and completely a bad speaker for either?
What if a person had a mix of music to movies? Do you then suggest one speaker of one brand and one of another to compensate for the good and bad points?

Here's one possibility:
Both sets of media (music cds and movie dvds) have a wide range of frequencies that need to be played back. If a person were to select a speaker solely for 'hot' music recordings (IF that was all a person had), a speaker with a more laid back upper end, less bright, possibly labeled less accurate with a rolled off upper frequency, would that not take away from its HT usage? (dulled down upper end, now dialogue does not sound so clear for movies)

Perhaps some speakers that are good for music are not always good for movies.
It's a thought to ponder.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."