When I was a young lad I moved out of home and into a large apartment complex with a roomate. A woman moved in below us who must have had a son named Larry.

I know this because she would go out to her patio and scream his name over and over again....like she was calling him to come home. Apparently, this Larry guy was either deaf or very disobedient. Over a period of hours, she would go out to her patio once every ten minutes and scream "Laaarryyyy!!" like 30-40 times in succesion. This happend nearly every day.

At first, it was sort of funny. Then we became curious. Who is this Larry person? We had never seen him. He never came home when she yelled for him. Eventually, we made it a point when she began yelling to try and spot the infamous Larry....but he never materialized to our knowledge. We began to think she was insane or something.

Eventually we became fed up with the constant yelling so we decided to run her off by:

1. Urinating off the deck onto her patio whenever possible. Same went for anybody puking.
2. Scooping up dog turds and placing them on her door mat late at night. We did this one often.
3. Concocting fake puke by mixing regular food items, chewing them up, and spewing it along the concrete entrance to her apartment. We also did this in the parking lot where she parked...always making sure it was all over the ground on the drivers side. We used to watch sometimes as she would get into her car from the passenger side.
4. We used alot of "Larry tactics" as well. Once we had pizza delivered to her apt. and used the name Larry. We would read the classifieds and call people who were selling things until we got an answering machine and then left a message for them to call Larry (we got her phone number from a friend that worked in the apt office). We left crazy messages on her door addressed to Larry. On and on.....you get the idea.

After about 4 months, she finally moved out.