Although never a Star Trek fan (in fact, I have never seen a single Star Trek movie, and have only seen a few of the older "Captain Kirk" episodes on TV), in a moment of brief (and now regrettable) creative insanity, I chose "Capn_Pickard" as my handle. My last name is Pickard (Captain Piccard on Star TRek either uses no "k" or replaces it with a "c" I believe). People often call me Captain Pickard for no apparent reason other than to P*ss me off, or grate on my nerves. And there's the always common - Pickard, like the star trek guy - whenever someone gets my license or credit card at the check out.

Terrible name, I know. I wish I had something cooler, like "Max Powers - the name you'd love to touch."

In fact, I think I'm gonna see about changing handle to that - or starting a new account with that as my new handle. Enough of this Cap'n nonsense....


formerly Capn P.