LightninJoe comes from J.Lawton "Lightnin' Joe" Collins, CO of VII Corps during the breakout of 3rd Army from the Normandy beach head during Autumn of 1944 (later Army Chief of Staff under the brilliant Omar Bradley, then Chairman JCOS). I was in Eagle Troop, Second of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (Blackhorse Armored Cav) during the last stages of the Cold War and beyond. We were part of VII Corps, 3rd Army, which didn't stand down from VE day until around 1992. We covered the Fulda Gap along with 10Cav, the 1st Cavalry Division, 2nd and 3rd Armored, 2nd and 4th Infantry, and a bunch of others including Brits, Canadians, and Bundeswehr. There were about 250,000 of us including German national guard against the entire Russian 2nd Shock Army of about 1 million. And we would have kicked serious ass if they bothered to swarm the Plains of Hesse. 11Cav is now OPFor at the NTC in California.

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