I was so rabid a SW fan before Episode I came out that I actually thought it kicked ass. Reality finnaly kicked me in the head (OUCH) after seeing Episode II. I walked out of the theater and was SO PISSED OFF at how much it sucked. I then realized how Ep1 wasn't really all that great either.

My only conclusion to all the SW suckage is that when Lucas writes/directs it WILL suck. I believe I heard before that Lucas directed EpIV (and I/II) but not V and VI. If this is indeed true it would truely explain a lot. Digging deeper, what has Lucas actually done that was really great? I'd credit Speilberg on Indiana series... donno

I'm just pissed cause Empire and even Return of the Jedi were really damn cool. A New Hope did a good job on setting up the story. The story thru I and II has been good, its just the delivery is horrid. I didn't think anything could be worse than Jar Jar till I saw that *chemistry* between Ani and the Princess.
