Hey, watch this. I can do it too!

"Diva speakers are horrible. How do I know? I'm not really sure. I've never heard them, but I really like Axiom and Diva is made in China so they sound horrible. Plus, I work for Axiom, and just know that my speakers are better."

Try starting a real thread on a real forum ladies. You all really sound like rocket scientists---really. I'm so impressed by your technical knowledge and objective comments:

Or better YET, buy some real speakers--- Axioms, and KNOW that you are buying QUALITY Canadian speakers from a company who cares about it's customers (I DO own Axioms), instead of some cheap Chinese crap. Ian, you are a patient person....:)

I don't need to see or hear the Diva's. All I have to do is read the comments from Ian Masters, Audioreview(CONSUMERS reviewing-swan products nowhere to be seen), SOundstage's M22 review, and my reflect on my own experience with the M22.

identical drivers to wharfedales- compare them if you must

I am more than happy to judge a product without object knowledge

For the price/performance ratio, Axioms are clearly the better choice

It's repressive, and I would rather not support any of it with my hard earned money

Looks like Axiom drudged the bottom barrel to find a few real gems to support their speakers. I mean seriously, come on, you can't tell me that you actually have money to spend on speakers? With absolutely no IQ, how do you make it? You people have ME thinking that the communist gov't may be the way to go.