Hey Waldis,

Did you order the M3s? I did and am listening to them almost non stop - but am going to return them when the M22s I ordered come - since I like forward, clear, sharp sound.

The M3s are very good in my opinion. Took me a few hours to appreciate them - probably had to do with having them too high up on the top shelf - because I wanted to A/B compare with my Paradigm Titans which were at ear level. The Titans are now in the bedroom and the M3s are pretty close to ear level and they sound great.

I ordered the M22s cause I don't want a "What If" feeling - I expect I will like those even more. As Allan pointed out - just about $85 more if I return the M3s and order the M22s from the outlet page. And wait a couple weeks longer.

Thanks all for the advice.

The Titans are good speakers by the way, but clearly not as good as out of position M3s. To much boxy noise and exagerated bass (except on some rock albums where extra bass is welcome - but I have a sub so the famous Paradigm bass hump is pointless).

Ugh - I am going to have to find a better picture of myself or put my cute daughter back on!

Last edited by donaldekelly; 09/01/04 03:34 PM.

M22s, QS4s, M2 center, Hsu stf-1.