I may have taken portions of your post the wrong way and for that I apologize but without a doubt you do come across as a little condescending and your response here only strengthened my position on that. Perhaps your not but your post to me has a certain level to it. I hate the nature of posting in a public forum anyway. You never know what the other person meant. That is why I'm such a die hard hater of email. Worst god dam thing that has been done in the last few years. I have seen it cause so many problems for so many people for no reason other then something was taken out of context......but that debate is for another discussion.

You are obviously not convinced on something unless it can be verified and or a scientific explanation be put on paper. More power to you, I don't need science to justify what I hear. If I hear it, I heard it.

As for the link I posted at the end of my post, if you have issues with the accuracy, please contact the writer. I'm sure he would be more then happy to make any corrections that are necessary if in fact there are corrections that need to be done. That is one of many links out there that discuss the benefits of bi-amping. I'm no expert on the subject so I can't get into to deep of a discussion on it. I just know that from what I have heard, it can make an improvement when done correctly and it's not a small improvement.

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Is the placebo effect no longer a valid scientific theory?

May very well be but it's only a theory, which to me is a fancy term for speculation. Theory, what a word! The scientific term for "I don't have a freaken clue"

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Does speaker break-in exist b/c so many people report it does?

Prove to me with absolute certainty that it doesn't.

We can carry on with this but in the end, I have my views and you have yours.......and we will leave it at that.