If US policy is not to trade with certain countries, that's our policy, even when it may be a wrong policy as in the case of Cuba, or a right policy as in the case of Myanma. International sanctions against Libya and Iran make sense to me, but then again if you have an affinity for totalitarian terrorist police state regimes in search of nuclear weapons, well then maybe you disagree.

As to those poor Palestinian children who you so kindly refer to as "sappers," perhaps you approve of a culture which makes rock stars out of kids who strap explosives to themselves in the hopes of killing Jews in pizza parlors and busses, for a promise of 72 virgins. But hey, their parents are proud and get large checks from Saudi charities for their children's sacrifice. So, hey, Bren, if you see that carnage as heroic, that must be "Let's Stand Firm With the Nazis of the World If They'll Stick a Finger in the Eye of Bad Old USA and its Friends, # 363."

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.