Hi Craig. I have the IC-Mark II 1 metre RCA interconnects and am very satisfied with them. Although I believe there is a lot of "snake oil" out there, friends recommended LAT and I was very pleased. Ratshack cables and their ilk such as the ones boxed with components are poor quality.I compared the LATs with some local available cables in Vancouver such as transparents and ultralinks and the LATS were more neutral and clear. I am looking to get LAT digital interconnect and there is one on audiogon I might bid on. You as a LAT consumer know their cables infrequently appear in pre-owned audio listings. Why? It is simply because they are good. People are spending too much on cables hoping them to be a crutch to cure ills which really eminate from their electronics; having said that, the quality of your cables should be comparable to the quality of your components. Enjoy the music!