Shutup ya god darned hoodlums, you and yer loud music boxes, speakers that boom, I'll give you a boom with mah foot! Nows as I was sayin' I's got me a new Axiom setup, but y'all need to relax and listen'...listen' to mah stories, GET OFF'A MAH LAWN! YA PUNK KIDS!

Where are my pills? Jeez my hernia's killin' me. I hope Glenn Miller's on the radio tonight, I've been lookin' foward to that for a long while ya here?

Now I'm goin' ta bed, it's almost 9PM! I've only had 8 naps today, but I had some whiskey, man that'll put hair on y'er chest! You youngin's keep that racket down or I'll come and beat ya with mah cane! Subwoofer, more like Sub annoyance! Heck back in my day we only had mono and none of this MP3 business, just straight old vinyl records, ya damn kids should learn right!

Gosh darnit, mah corns is achin', I'm goin' ta bed.

- D

"Big John is my Idol...or is it that other way around? Let's ask Ray!"