Fox, BBIBH is still here and posts relatively often. He, like you, is an old timer (as an Axiomite, not in age ). Chess has been a strong contributor here and has much to offer us all. But, he seemed to be angry with, and sarcastically insulting to, those who didn't live up to his expectations. For example, he would petulantly object to a newbie that asked a question that had been recently asked.

"I'm having deja vu here.
SVS vs. EP350?
Didn't i just post on this a couple of times this week?
Is this really another thread on it?
We are still in the months
(sic) of September no?

I found that post unnecessarily sarcastic, and probably offensive to a newbie who had come here simply to ask for a little help. I, and others, stated as much, he criticized back, and he hasn't been seen since.

It is only my opinion, but I feel he outgrew the forum. He just couldn't seem, without getting into arguments, to put up with those of us who aren't as knowledgeable as he, don't agree with him about many issues, and don't live up to his expectations of what, and how, to post.

I'm very sorry it worked out that way because he has so much he could offer here.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton