The standalone "standard" TiVo boxes don't support 5.1.

I've been as big a fan of TiVo as you'll ever find. I really DO think that it was the one piece of equipment that I would not want to live without and I recommended it to many friends and family members over the years. It really, truly and completely changes the way you watch TV, and it makes you wish other things in life had TiVo. Others who have TiVo will probably confirm that they have, at one time or another, wanted to "click back" to something they misssed while listening to the radio or watching TV at a "non TiVo owning" friend's house.

Just a week ago, though, I gave up my TiVo for the two-tuner High-Def DVR cable box that Comcast offers. It doesn't have many of the user-friendly features that I miss on my TiVo, such as allowing keyword searches or automatically recording things that it knows I like but didn't actually program in.... but it DOES have two tuners, high-def, 5.1 sound and the general function of a hard-drive based system.

I'm very sorry to say, TiVo is missing the boat. They should have had a high-def, 5.1 capable box out six months or a year ago. Maybe their delays are because they are about to introduce something incredible, or maybe there's too much competition when the cable and satellite companies build the required decoder boxes with DVRs built in... I dunno.... but I know I couldn't wait anymore for high-Def now that I had the DLP....

I know it sounds strange, but after three or four years of using TiVo it's like turning your back on an old friend... but the reality is that, for whatever reason, they've fallen behind...

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::