I said the words!

PS: My tv is small too, 27" (not so small the vp150 hangs over though)... But I've been looking into a projector. I don't really watch much TV, so for me to plunk down the money for a big tv doesn't make sense. I can get a pretty sweet projector for 2k, and with my movie watching habits the bulb should last 3 years or so at least. (which is more than the life of some of the new tvs out...)

Edit: I should add that I know I'm going to move around a bunch in the next year or two, so I don't want to accumulate too many more large items... I already have plenty. Projectors are nice and small.

Last edited by ringmir; 01/07/05 08:11 PM.

[black]-"The further we go and older we grow, the more we know, the less we show."[/black]