Oh Peter, you're so uncool! Until HDTV, I didn't watch any primetime network TV, other than sports, movies, and news. NONE! ZIP! ZERO! NADA! And, I still don't watch any of the reality shows, except an occasional "Extreme Makeover, Home Edition." I have to admit I'm being "Jerry Bruckheimer"ed ad nauseum.

Mike I gotta agree with Spiff on this one. Both, on the quality of the show, and with the fact that I watch it every week. It's the old soap opera thing. Gotta find out what the monster really is; Who is the French woman and what's she all about; etc. If each week's show was an entire episode, with all questions resolved at it's conclusion, I wonder what the ratings would be.

Anybody but me adore "Boston Legal" (Oh good! It's on tonight). I think James Spader and William Shatner (especially Shatner) are a hoot. I love the end of each show where they sit in someone's office, share a drink and cigar, and talk. I enjoy the banter, and admire the witty repartee. The episode where Shatner has always wanted to have sex with a one legged woman had me on the floor. Hard to explain, but the show just pushes all my buttons in the right way. I'd understand completely if no one else liked it at all.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton