I guess I never looked at it that way and I agree with the transparent characteristics that you've explained. I'm definitely not an audio engineer and the only understanding I have is by what I've read on sites like this over the years. I simply don't understand the power piece of the equation. For example: I have a room that is 28*37 and 18 feet high that opens into other parts of the house. Granted the M80's are very efficient and should not require an enormous amount of power to drive them at normal listing levels. My question is this. Why does my receiver begin to sound harsh at say 80 db and my amp sounds (to me) less harsh at 80 db? Am I hearing what I want to hear or am I exploiting the limits of the receiver? Keep in mind I do not want a debate on receivers or amplifiers I’m just trying to help myself understand the differences and hopefully help others that may be reading this.

Again, thank you for your time and patience.

M80's VP150 QS8's Earthquake SuperNova MKV-15
Integra DTR-7.4 Outlaw 755 Outlaw M200's Outlaw ICBM