I'm in exactly the same boat with my Pioneer as well..

The game plan was a 3910. Then, I started getting a little annoyed that SACD still wasn't approved for the Denon Link. And, as you mentioned, the more and more time passes the less I think a 3910 would be worth it.

I'm still wondering about a compromise by going with the 2910. By many accounts, it's still a fantastic unit and half the cost of the 3910.

My gut feeling is that with a format war and the initial players being in the upper price ranges, there won't be a whole lot to tempt me with the HD players for maybe two years... maybe even a bit longer.

The funny thing is, (completely ommiting feelings of obsolence), I almost feel a little better about spending a grand on a player now and getting what I consider to be mature technology and, in essence, a top of the line player rather than waiting two years and spending a grand on a player that will likely still have room for improvement with the "newish" techniology and be available at a 50% discount six months later!

It's the last piece of my HT puzzle... and I just can't seem to be comfortable in any decision!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::