Thanks for the update.

Your comments on the mains raise some interesting questions. In the stereo world one of the reasons people like Axioms is that the imaging and localization is excellent, ie you CAN tell exactly where every instrument and every sound is located, no dispersion.

Not trying to pick on you, far from it -- I have heard a number of people prefer "less localized" sound from the mains so I'm trying to understand it. If you hadn't said "better dispersion" I would have interpreted what you said as meaning "the imaging is better on the wharfedales, ie it doesn't sound like the noise is coming from the speakers".

In hindsight, M50s might have been a better choice than M60s for you. It would be interesting if anyone on the board gets a chance to do an M50 to Evo comparison -- I bet they would be pretty close.

I think the deal with the QS8s is that your position in the room doesn't affect how clearly you hear them as much -- direct speakers sound loud and clear when you're near them but pretty much disappear as you move away, while with the QSs the sound doesn't vary as much as you move around.

It sounds like you're closing in on the perfect system, anyways. Just need to trade in those surrounds and give M50s a try

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8