I already have an Axiom setup in the family room. M22s, VP150, Qs8s. So I know what Axioms sound like. I like them except for the VP150. I do not know if it is the positioning for the CC. I have it in a shelf space just below the TV. I have to pull it out and see. I have heard the M60s, but not the M80s.

Come to think of it, I dont know exactly what I am asking you guys; I guess I am hoping some one will convince me to go either way. I can put in the extra 1500 into the rockets if needed, but I am not sure if it is a good thing to do. I know, I know it is what I like better, but I am a novice and I trust you guys more than myself, I guess.

By the way, anyone with M80s in the Cincinnati area?
