its no shock you thought the 60's were more detailed then the wharfedales... the ones you were listening to cost like 300 bux

^^^ the setup was pretty simple but now that i have them home, i hear the same things. they don't get all caught up, ive set up a bit of a more ideal listening setup here, and the bass is just fine. i love the seperation though, the vocals are so smooth and you can hear them no matter what else is going on. i was thinking about looking at the 9.4's just because i can afford a bit more. i never like spending less then i intend too but i can't believe these things. i listened to my princess mononoke cd... omg the imaging and soundstage was insane! some really beautiful music. these things are so smooth guys one thing i really do miss is my low frequencies im not sure how far these go down, but they cant do my spiffy bass effects on some cds that are super super low. i guess thats another thing i can miss about headphones, they were usually under 20hz and over 20khz

more editing: The place is Number One Sound at like 850 college in toronto. axiom recomended them, but when i called back to cancel my order (because i thought i was going to pick them up there) they didn't even know that #1 had them anymore. (doesn't anyone wonder why axiom stopped dealing through dealers?) im not actually sure if they have better imaging or soundstage or anything like that over the axioms, but they are way way smoother, and the axioms were out of the race pretty fast after hearing both.

Last edited by themuffinman_01; 03/03/05 11:26 PM.