Yes and no. I ordered an Axiom system on the 30 day trial and then did an AB comparison against the Evo's. I ended up sending back the Axioms and after waiting for return shipping time and the time it took to receive a credit on my card, I went back to the dealer to order the Wharf's. At that point in time, the dealer informed me that there had been a price increase effective January 1st but that Wharfedale hadn't informed him of the changes until mid-January.

The dealer was in a pinch becauase he had already quoted me, a few other people, and several big custom-install jobs at old prices. He called his Wharfedale contact and was given an allowance to place one final order at old prices for the business he quoted prior to January 1st. My order was included in that final allowance order.

I can't imagine how I would have reacted if I was told I had to pay the new price.