This topic reminds me of a question I've had, maybe someone here knows the answer.

Since volume on my hk3480 is reported in dB's and not the usual 1-10 that I'm familiar with, I have no way of knowing what percentage of the power I'm using at a given listening level. I normally listen to music in the -35dB to -15dB range, but I've gone all the way up to 0db or maybe a bit higher. So my question would be does it cap out at 10db? or 50db? Either way, I'm satisfied that my system will play louder than I ever want it to, I'm just curious. If it turns out that I'm using 75% of my receivers amp, then it's a good thing I didn't get the 80watt model (instead of 120) because then I probably would not have been happy. If I'm only using 20% then the 80watt version would have been plenty.

Sorry for the ramble and the fact that it's off topic, but I figure BrotherBob would probably like to know how many watts are "more" than enough.

Last edited by Wegiz; 03/27/05 01:09 AM.

Onkyo TX-SR805
Audiobytes for the PC