You are correct, I did underestimate the additional costs a bit when converting a US web purchase in to CDN $ and adding the deliver and brokerage fees. I just checked the bill of an Onkyo receiver I took delivery of the other day. It cost $400 US from J&R over the web plus $50 USD for delivery and $45 CDN for brokerage fees. The grand total in CDN was $589.50 (plus UPS collected the GST dreaded for the Feds). So a 50% markup. You do have to check with the various online stores to see if their warrantees are transerable to Canada though. I found most were, but some were not.

Bottom line is a HK7300 from a US based web dealer at $1400 USD will arrive at your door for about $2100 CDN + GST. That is a savings if $1200+ CDN when the Canadian Futureshops are selling it for $3300 (almost enough for a set of M80's).