Hey all!

First off, let it be said...I LOVE my M80s, VP-150 and QS-8s. Second, let it be known...I have NEVER heard an Axiom sub, but I have heard MANY other subs (and most were pretty good ones!)

I own the dreaded SVS 16-46 PCi. It is not overkill. I have had it in several different rooms in my house...big and small, open and closed. I EQ using a BFD. I have been able to get a flat room response within +-1 db in every room I have put it in. (takes quite an effort and a lot of math!) I do NOT run hot. My sub is adjusted to output the same as my other speakers...a flat response sounds a little lifeless at first, but after a bit I concluded that lack of overpowering bass energy alows for a clearer overall music experience.

My SVS is now in a small (11'-4" X 16'-0" X 7'-0") sealed room. It is turned WAAAY down to output only as much as the rest of the system. The sub plays very clean, flat, and loud without a hint of strain. With many music recordings, it is either boomy or nonexistent. This is due to the recording EQ done at mastering, not the sub. On good recordings, the bass is natural and well balanced. On well recorded movies, the sub quietly sits back and produces faint bass notes as required until called upon to unleash its beastly fury.

Yup, my 16-46 PCi looks like a black hot water heater covered in felt. It sits unobtrusively in a dark corner of the room and produces sounds that cause EVERY newcomer to our theater to gasp and smile, then ask what the heck is creating the sound.

It IS that good. I would buy the same PCi again. The PC+ might be overkill in a room my size, but the PCi, at the $599 price I bought it for a few years ago, is an absolute steal.

On a final note, I also love the Hsu subs, but I honestly think that the SVS subs, at the same price point, are a better value. Just my $0.0175.


"Life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness"...Go Packers! and Go Badgers!