Well I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it super tube sound, but this puny little thing actually works!

Just received it today (in a package so small and light it seemed they forgot to send the actual product with it) and after a search for some small bare speaker wire was able to hook it up to Peter's M22s using a cd walkman for a source. Although, when Peter and I first saw just how small it really is, our first reaction was "no freaking way this thing'll work."

It works! I initially had it hooked up to my headphone amp (A gilmore dynamic V2) with the gilmore functioning as a preamp, and although that gave a lot more headroom, I found I actually preferred the sound straight out of the T-amp - it sounded noticeably more full. In fact, both Peter and I couldn't really find any fault with it - nothing sounded like it was missing and despite the low wattage, nothing sounded thin or strained, even when at max volume, which admittedly isn't that loud - but is a bit above my normal listening level (sorry Dennis, I don't think this amp is for you). This would however be a great amp for a bedroom system.

Immediately after we'd finished listening to the t-amp I hooked the M22s back up to Peter's receiver and compared, and found that I preferred the Onkyo - it sounded more effortless and also a little better in the bass. But take into account that I was using an entirely different (and better) source, and Peter's Onkyo (obviously) has a lot more power. Might be an apples and oranges thing.

For $20, though, this is really a no brainer for anyone interested in building a small system. I'm strongly considering getting some M3s and using them with the t-amp as my computer stereo system. Thanks for the heads up, 2x6!