I've often thought that an FAQ for "Commonly Asked Questions" would be a good idea for the board.

While there is an FAQ for technical issues, there is no FAQ for the questions that come up over and over. When I had more time available several months ago, I even added it to my TTD (Things To Do) list with the intention of seeing if I could rough one out and then, with input from others here, see if it could be posted as a "sticky" (as in "read this first").

Obviously, it's Axiom's decision to make, not mine, and one would have to be very careful about some topics such as the sound of cables and amps.

Yet, there are many basic pieces of information that a newbie could benefit from, starting with how to use these boards to best effect. There are many helpful people here and a wealth of info can be learned but, for instance, newbies should be instructed to use the search function before posting their question. It's my experience that the same questions just get posted over and over and if someone would take the time to search "distance from wall" regarding their new M60s placement or "outlet" to question whether or not the "B-stock" or Factory Outlet speakers might be a good choice for them, they would save everyone much time and also benefit the newbie because he would find a wider range of answers over the previous year.

Rather than being an "official" FAQ tied to Axiom's products pages, it would be tied to the boards and written as a friendly "welcome" to newbies, with a clear explanation that it's to serve as helpful starter information written by board "regulars" and does NOT replace the information Axiom has on their product pages. It also might be a good place to put some standard "policies" regarding profanity, selling of equipment and other board guidelines.

It won't replace any information currently on the site regarding products, Axiom "the company", etc... it would simply serve as "Welcome" info that a new user to these boards would receive to get him/her started here.

Anyone have any thoughts?

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::