OOPS, more OT stuff!!

Speaking of "little fellers" We had one little guy that you may have gotten a kick outta. A bit over 100KRPM, around 60BHP shaft(s) output, and you could hold it in One Hand! I wasen't actually on the project, but I lent them some engineering assistance in a time of need, it was fun, everything was in..... Metric! The customer was....Canada!!

F117's huh, oh wow, I could tell some stories about Lockheed and the early days of "Stealth"!!(But we dare not get into that!)

Well, before I end up saying something to get the FBI(or worse)knocking at my door, I might better want to log out now and not come back for about two weeks!!!

Oh, and thanks for reminding me! I got out of the military nearly(gulp)40 years ago myself!!(but it Was Fun!)