Well, in my opinion, Peter very well might be on to something. I have owned both. I have had the VP100, and I have had the VP150. Going off memory, and it has been a while now, but if I recall, I did find the VP100 to be a little better then the 150. However I found them both to be lacking in the things I previously mentioned.

Don't get me wrong guys, I mean my gawd, please, I don't find either of these to be BAD center channels at all. As I have clearly pointed out, they are indeed much better then a lot of the center channels that I've had experience with. They just so happen to be not as good as a lot of other ones I've also had experience with. Truth of the matter is, you can say that with any darn speaker.

Be that as it may, it's irrelevant. It's irrelevant in the since that they're not anything that's going to stop me from making my return, and stay, to/with Axiom. I'll either make the best out of one of these cc's, or I'll simply go with one of their other speakers in the line for my cc.